Insomnia, Middle of the Night Waking and Non-Drug Approaches

An interesting degree of variability has been noted in Equilib Nutrient/enzyme Protocol Open Case Study Participants’ responses to different forms of sleep difficulties.

Those unable to fall asleep due to racing thoughts, feelings of bodily tension etc., have typically reported a very strong and often rapid response to the Equilib Nutrient/enzyme Protocol Those experiencing middle of the night waking often reported a slower response. Both forms have responded strongly enough that a response warranty program is available to those who choose to participate in the toll free monitoring and support program which is available at no cost; but the differences were instructive.
This experience, coupled with clues found in medical literature and conversations with a variety of healthcare professionals, has led to the development of the following hypothesis and protocol for middle of the night waking difficulties.


Middle of the night waking appears frequently to be triggered by some degree of blood sugar instability. Carbohydrates in any form (including fruit or alcohol) ingested late in the evening, cause blood sugar levels to rise, followed by an over response of insulin. As blood sugar levels drop due to the insulin response, the body compensates with increased cortisol levels. Normally cortisol levels rise toward morning as part of the wake cycle. When this occurs prematurely, nighttime waking often results. Cortisol is a hormone which is produced and required by the body for normal functioning. Only when the timing and/or secretion levels are dis-regulated, does it become an issue.

Other conditions such as sleep apnea and over active bladder can also trigger night time waking. The undersigned may be contacted for further information.


Take no carbohydrates of any sort after supper (including alcohol, fruit, or juices). At bedtime, have a small amount of peanut butter on celery sticks or any other healthy zero carbohydrate, high fat/protein snack. The fat and protein content help stabilize blood sugar levels during the night.

Should this not bring full relief, L-Theanine (an amino acid initially extracted from green tea) has the property of reducing cortisol levels for six to eight hours. Taken just before bed, in conjunction with the above, it has often allowed for a dramatic resolution of the waking problem. In our experience, if up to 300mg of L-Theanine has no effect, neither will higher doses. Since L-Theanine is a rapidly acting amino acid, results should be seen quickly. Discontinue use if no benefit is seen after a few attempts.

L-Theanine is readily and inexpensively available at pharmacies and health food stores, has been approved by the FDA for up to 1200-mg/day use, and has no known drug interactions or toxicity issues. Any brand with Suntheanine appearing on the label is guaranteed not to be contaminated with D-Theanine – which deactivates L-Theanine. This manufacturer uses a patented enzyme process to assure pure L-Theanine.

The above is not intended as medical advice. As always, speak with your physician or pharmacist.

Yours in great sleep.

David E P Gilbert – Funded programs administrator
Equilib Nutrient/enzyme Protocol

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