Environmental factors affect ADHD for better or for worse.

ADD and ADHD are challenging conditions which in many cases go undiagnosed and untreated. The Centers for Disease Control estimate that eleven percent of children age four to seventeen suffer and the rates have been steadily climbing. Since humans’ basic genetic makeup does not change quickly, the increase in incidence must be related to environmental factors and their effects on the epigenetic system.

It was once believed that genes were a fixed template which controlled how humans formed and developed. We now know that how gene activity or expression is turned up, down or off is greatly influenced by an enormous number of factors. Genes to a certain extent cause predispositions, but our environment in its totality determines whether these susceptibilities manifest themselves as physical, mental or emotional challenges including the occurrence and severity of ADHD.

This ongoing increase in the number of cases of ADD/ADHD mirrors that seen in autism, asthma, anxiety, depression, IBS and a number of other conditions. Again, since genetics simply don’t change that quickly, there must be significant environmental factors at play and modifying these factors should have measurable effects for good or for ill.

A recent study indicates negative effects very clearly. Pregnant women exposed to higher levels of PAHs such as are produced in diesel exhaust had five time the risk of a child showing ADHD symptoms at age nine. At the other end of the spectrum are studies showing measurable and substantial benefits from something as simple as spending thirty minutes in natural green spaces such as parks or forests.

Data from an open label ADD/ADHD initial study indicate how profound the effects of improving nutrient status can be. EvinceNaturals provided a sophisticated nutrient formula known as Equilib. This was comprised of amino acids, amino acid chelated minerals, plant nutrients and vitamins in highly bio available forms and appropriate dosing and ratios.

Of the initial forty eight children, forty two showed substantial symptom reductions, two showed no benefit and four did worse and discontinued. Of those who were using psychotherapeutic medications, seventeen were able under the guidance of their physicians to reduce or eliminate their medications.

With costs covered by EvinceNaturals, The next phase of this program is now funded for children and adults with ADD or ADHD. As the knowledge base in the research community continues to grow, so too has the Equilib Protocol evolved. Since nearly half of the population has one or two copies of a common genetic mutation which makes it difficult to transform folic acid into the methyl folate the body requires, the current Equilib Nutrient/enzyme Protocol now uses methyl folate. vitamin B12 too is affected by the same genes and has been changed from the common cyanocobalamin found in most multivitamins to methylcobalamin. In addition, based in part on results from the autism open label study pilot, DigestPlus Live Plant digestive enzymes and Healthy Bowel Support – a powerful very broad spectrum pre and probiotic – have been added.

Earlier data on the effects tracked in those with autism spectrum were presented as a poster by Professor Hendren and his team from the MIND Institute at the IMFAR Conference in Montreal in 2006. Interestingly, both the ADD/ADHD and autism spectrum participants frequently experienced significant digestive and sleep issues prior to starting the program. For most, these were normalizing in concert with the ADD or autism symptom reductions.

The Equilib Protocol in not a drug. It does not cure or treat diseases. Therefor the only hypothesis that fits the reported effects is as follows: When the body drops below a critical level of any of the building blocks needed to properly create the hormones, neurotransmitters, enzymes etc. which control all bodily functions things start to go very wrong. If the body cannot access enough of any of these building blocks, by definition it must supply less of, or altered self-regulatory compounds. The body is skilled at excreting nutrients it doesn’t require and does this with every meal. It cannot however make something from nothing.

As an open label study, those who participate will receive a minimum four week supply of Equilib and DigestPlus enzymes along with Healthy Bowel Support a very broad spectrum probiotic which includes twenty five organic plant based prebiotics to help the beneficial bacteria become established. All participants will receive the active ingredients, i.e. no placebos will be supplied.

EvinceNaturals takes a team approach to caring for participants and encourages them to give permission for their ongoing information to be sent to their existing healthcare team. If currently taking psychotherapeutic medications, this is required so that physicians may comfortably manage medication dosing levels according to symptom responses. All participants will fill in a five item symptom chart with ratings from zero for not at all to three for very much. These are called in toll free each week which only takes a minute.

Yours in good mental health.

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